Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Bye Mr. Kang!

I feel the need to update about the house situation, more specifically, Mr. Kang.

To make a long story short, Mr. Kang is/was/whatever an employee of my father. My dad may be a hard boss (have you read my previous entries?? haha) but he compensates for it. He was paying Mr. Kang one-thousand dollars EVERY week, and when I moved into my home (last Monday), my dad was paying him even more, to paint the house, and do the little repairs. Well, he didn't do anything by the time I moved in. But that's a whole other topic.

Anyways, he's moving back home tomorrow!!! He was originally going to rent the basement until David returned from his deployment. But, things just were not going well (business wise) between him and my dad. So, he decided to move back home. I am thrilled!!! Although, having a house all to myself is a bit lonely.

At first, my friends and I felt sorry for him. But, it's because he purposely made it seem like his life was so horrible and sad. He WANTED people to feel sorry for him. The more I got to know him, I realized he was a 'mooch' that loves to take advantage of people. First of all, he asked me to borrow money a few nights ago. Yes, only thirty dollars, but 1) I don't have a job right now, and 2) what about the $1,000/week?? WTF. Also, he's such an idiot. Any and every time friends come over, he is constantly asking them to look at his computer. I call him an idiot, because he's made the same mistakes, over and over again. Dumb ass. Whatever.

Okay, well I don't want to end this post on a bitter note...

I got a very important document in the mail today! I wish I could say what... ;)

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